Cocker Spaniel Club of SA
13th National Show
26th & 27th April 2008
Judge: Miss. J. Darby (Classicway Kennels, UK)
Ring Steward: Peter Thompson
Assembly Steward: Peter Hindman
SACA Rep: Bill Egan
Show Manager: John Emerson
Judging to commence at:
Saturday 26th April 08 – 10.00am
Sunday 28th April 08 – 8.30am
Venue: Gawler Racecourse, Gawler, S.A.
Classes: 1/1A, 2/2A, 3/3A, 4/4A, 5/5A, 10/10A, 11/11A, 12/12A
Order of Judging:
Saturday; Dog Classes - AOC Baby,
Solid Baby, AOC Minor, Solid Minor, AOC Puppy, Solid Puppy, AOC Junior, Solid
AOC Intermediate, Solid Intermediate, AOC Aust Bred, Solid Aust Bred, AOC Open,
Solid Open, AOC Veteran, Solid Veteran,
Challenge Dog, Reserve Challenge Dog.
Sunday; Bitch Classes - AOC Baby,
Solid Baby, AOC Minor, Solid Minor, AOC Puppy, Solid Puppy, AOC Junior, Solid
AOC Intermediate, Solid Intermediate, AOC Aust Bred, Solid Aust Bred, AOC
Open, Solid Open, AOC Veteran, Solid Veteran,
Challenge Bitch, Reserve Challenge Bitch, General Specials
Trophy & Sashes on offer for all "in Show" awards.
Entry Fees: 1st Entry - $20, subsequent entries $15
Catalogues: $10 – pre-ordered, $15 – on day of show
Entries Close: 28/03/2008
Convenor: Mrs R Kemp
12 Cockshell Rd., GAWLER EAST SA 5118
Telephone; (08) 85235511
Advertising available in the catalogue: $25 per page
Closing date for advertising; 01/03/2008
Advertising to be sent to: Judith Balfour
12 Aranga Ave., INGLE FARM SA 5098
Telephone: (08) 8262 2439
Exhibitors please note – one entry per form
Colour to be stated on entry forms
SSAE to be included for acknowledgement of entries
Copy of pedigree certificate to be included with entry.
To download a Word Document of the Schedule Click Here
Website designed and maintained for the Cocker Spaniel Club of SA Inc by Ushiro Designs
Page last updated: 31/03/2008